Technology enabled care (TEC) plays a profoundly important role in helping people to live independently and safely in their homes. This is no less the case with TEC for epilepsy, encompassing such crucial products as seizure monitors and alert devices.


Even the most sophisticated and expensive TEC available on the market cannot guarantee the safety of a user who suffers a seizure during their use of the device.


This underscores the importance of not merely choosing the most “top-end” or “high-specification” monitor or alarm, but instead taking the time to ensure your final choice is the right product for your specific requirements.


5 things to be aware of before you commit to an alert device or seizure monitor


Taking account of the below factors when whittling down your options for seizure monitoring and alert equipment, will help ensure you invest in the right product for your needs or those of a loved one:


  • A given monitor might not detect the type of seizures that the user actually experiences. Indeed, such devices are normally only triggered by seizures that involve big, repeated movements
  • Monitors can sometimes give out false alarms
  • Some monitoring devices can intrude more than others on the user’s day-to-day life
  • A given safety device might not be suitable for a particular user’s type of epilepsy
  • TEC for epilepsy can be quite expensive. This gives the prospective purchaser all the more reason to carefully compare and consider a variety of products, as their chosen device will be a major investment in their safety.


Our knowledgeable team can help guide you towards the right solution


As we referenced above, seizure monitors and alarms for epilepsy cannot guarantee a user’s safety at all times. However, the best such products do provide impressive functionality to support people who are living with epilepsy. This enables them to live as independently as possible, while providing peace of mind for parents, caregivers, and loved ones.


Monitors, alert devices, and apps for epilepsy typically work on a simple principle: being designed to trigger an alarm in the event of the user experiencing a seizure. This alert then allows assistance to be provided to the affected individual.


The technology that underpins TEC for epilepsy continues to evolve, backed by extensive research. There has been a greater tendency in recent years for such TEC to be incorporated into – and compatible with – smartphones and smartwatches, as in the case of Inspyre By SmartMonitor, which works with Apple, Samsung, and Android devices.


By developing an in-depth knowledge of the latest TEC for epilepsy and how it may relate to your own condition, you can put yourself in a better position to confidently choose the right product. We can also provide tailored advice here at Epilepsy Solutions, so if you are in any doubt, please feel free to enquire to our team.