Epi-Care is a unique wrist-worn epilepsy alert bracelet that
detects tonic-clonic seizures. It is suitable for anyone over
10 years old.
• Detects tonic-clonic seizures
• Suitable for ages 10+
• Can be worn on the wrist or ankle
• Mobile Phone or Pager Option available
• Easy to use
Epi Care
Wrist Worn Sensor

The Epi-Care system consists of the Epi-Care wrist worn sensor and a base unit.
It needs just an hour to charge and is suitable for anyone over 10 years of age.
The sensor detects tonic-clonic / grand mal seizures. When a seizure is detected, the
alarm is activated and the base unit sends an alert to a pager
The base unit can be placed anywhere in the home within a range of 20m from the
sensor. This range can be extended with the installation of optional repeaters.
Pager Option

The Epi Care Mobile connects to the included Smartphone via Bluetooth and sends out alerts
through a pre-installed app.
The Epi Care app can be programmed to send alerts to any mobile phone held by a family member
or caregiver.
The handset must be within a range of 10-15m from the Epi Care Sensor to maintain
Bluetooth connection.
The supplied Smartphone will require a SIM card (not included).
Epi Care Mobile